To take full advantage of the NEC Intramail you will need to record a personal greeting, record your mailbox name and change your mailbox password.
Step 1: Recording your personal greeting
Press the V-Mail button, press the softkey under Greet and choose the greeting you wish to record – 1, 2 or 3. We recommend using greeting 1 as your every-day greeting “Hi I’m on the phone or away from my desk, please leave a message” and greeting 2 or 3 as vacation or special greetings. That way you don’t have to keep recording your greeting over and over again.
Step 2: Recording your mailbox name
If you are using a dial by name directory you will want to record a mailbox name. Press the V-Mail button then dial 76 . Press the softkey under REC and say your name.
Step 3: Changing your security code
Press the V-Mail button and dial 67 follow the instructions to enter a new security code.