Vodavi 24-Button Digital Keyset/Button Diagram

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The following illustration and its corresponding table describe the physical features of the Vodavi 24-Button Digital Display Telephone.

Vodavi 24-Button Digital Keyset/Button Diagram

1. (DISPLAY) Displays information about telephone status, dialing directories, and text message information.

2. (MESSAGE INDICATOR) Programmable indication for Ring Line, Voice Mail, Message Wait, or handset operation.

3. (FLEXIBLE BUTTON Keys) Used to access outside lines or access call-handling features.

4. (MSG Key) Used for Auto-CallBack to a telephone which has left a text message or to access voice messages.

5. (FWD Key) Used to forward your calls to another destination, such as a station or voice mail.

6. (SPEED Key)

Changing the time and date – Vodavi STS phone system

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These are the instructions on changing the time and date on a Vodavi STS phone system. Unless your phone system was purchased from www.telephonesystemsdirect.com you must use Vodavi extensionon 100 for this programming change.

Do not lift handset or press speaker.

Dial **3226 on your Vodavi STS 24 button digital key telephone.

Press the FLASH key and dial 11

Enter the new time and date for your Vodavi phone system in the format below.

Note: the time is in 24-hour format (8:00 PM would be 20:00).


Press HOLD

Press the ON/OFF button to exit